The Liebster Award!!! 2 – 3 – 4!!!

Hey friends,

As mentioned in my previous award post, I have some of these pending. I may be posting them back to back so please bare with me. Awards to me are for appreciating and encouraging your fellow bloggers. Letting your readers know about them. I really appreciate the people who nominate me and would like to do a post on them since from where I see it, this is also a kind of shout out which leads you – “my readers” to their pages. Yes, that is what we do in the blogging world. Help each other grow! ❤ ❤

In this post I will be clubbing 3 Liebster awards so please grab a cup of coffee or tea as this is going to be a long one 😀 😛 Sorry for the delay guys but I really appreciate your thought of nominating me.

I have been nominated for The Liebster Award by these beautiful and amazing bloggers funhousevisionlaqingincreativitynajjo8844 . If you haven’t checked them out yet then make sure you do 🙂 🙂  You are surely going to love them ❤ ❤

The Rules:

  • Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you
  • Answer the 11 questions the blogger gives you
  • Nominate 5-11 bloggers that you think are deserving of the award (My Request – Please make sure you link them so other readers can reach them easily.)
  • Let the bloggers know you nominated them
  • Give them 11 questions of your own

Questions from funhousevision:

1. What’s your favourite dessert?

2. Cats or dogs?
Dogs 😀

3. What’s your favourite season?

4. What’s your favourite thing to blog about?
Makeup 😛

5. Where do you get your blogging inspiration from?
Mainly online on social sites.

6. Morning person or night owl?
Night owl

7. What’s your favourite vacation destination?
Goa, India

8. What’s your favourite song?
Keeps changing. None currently.

9. What’s your favourite colour?
By the things I own it has to be BLUE

10. Who’s your favourite superhero?
Gosh! I love a lot of them. Currently Harley Quinn is my craze. I know not a superhero but please adjust 😛

11. What’s your favourite movie genre?
Rom-com *dreamy 😛

Questions from laqingincreativity:

1. What’s your philosophy in life?
Live and let live!

2. What was the best phase in your life?
My college years. I enjoy my present too but that was way lighter 😀 ❤

3. What’s your favorite book/movie of all time and why did it speak to you so much?
Andaz Apna Apna – It is a very funny movie. (Batameez ladki, sofe pe chadhti h :’) )

4. What’s an ideal weekend for you?
Relax by the beach 😛 That ain’t happening so at least try 1 new makeup look 😀

5. Let’s say you find a great person in your life and develop feelings for them, but physically they aren’t your type. Do you date them with the slight guilt of not being physically attracted to them or stay friends to keep their love and support?
Stay friends, living with that guilt would be too much 😐

6. If a genie granted you 3 wishes right now, what would you wish for?
That I could grant myself any wish with the click of my fingers 😀 😛 (I really like “I Dream of Jeannie” show, but it would be too much to grant wishes in that pose 😛 )

7. Do you believe in reincarnation?
It is not for me to believe but I hope its not true.

8. Kindle or physical book?
Physical any day.

9. Marvel or DC?
Very close. But DC it would be 😛 for now

10. Favorite wild animal?
I like a lot of them I think. Panda may be.

11. Could you live in a tiny house?
I’d need the potion that Alice used. Kidding. Yes I can.

Questions from najjo8844:

1. Describe yourself 1 word?

2. Do you have any tattoos and piercing?
Ears. Navel which now I believe is closed.

3. What would you do it you won the lottery?
Depends on the amount.

4. Where would you like to live?
Delhi, India. Exactly where I am living.

5. Any hidden talents?
None hidden. I do try to subtly flaunt them 😛 😛

6. Relationship status?

7. Do you believe in long distance relationship?
Strictly NO.

8. Where are you from?
Delhi, India.

9. Worst habits?
I don’t personally dislike my own habits. May be my close ones would give you a better insight on this 😛

10. Best present you ve received?
A video made by my bae with both of us in it 😀 It is really close to my heart ❤

11. Favourite blogger?
I like a lot of them.

Those were some really interesting questions and I thoroughly enjoying answering them 😀 🙂

My Questions:

  1. What made you start your blogging?
  2. Your favourite pass time?
  3. Your favourite sport?
  4. Your favourite dish?
  5. Ever faced a heartbreak? How did you get through?
  6. Your happy place?
  7. Your inspiration usually comes from?
  8. Any incident that made you cry but now when look back you laugh on it?
  9. Any funny story you’d like to share?
  10. Advice for fellow bloggers?
  11. Minimum time in which you can get your COMPLETE makeup on?

I nominate:


Zarin Khan










I hope you decide to this sooner or later. Don’t forget to link. Let’s help each other grow 🙂 🙂

I would love to get more connected with you on a daily basis. Come join me on Instagram | FacebookTwitter

Ms Meehnia

42 thoughts on “The Liebster Award!!! 2 – 3 – 4!!!

  1. You are a wonderful person Anumeha Di…I simply love the kind of person you are 😚😚..thank you so much for nominating me…with semister exams nearing I have focussed more on studies though I manage with 3-4 posts and you are always there with your lovable support.

    Thank you so much once more …have a nice day

    Liked by 1 person

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