Thread It Facial Hair-Remover Review

With the winters approaching, waxing can still take a back seat. But what about those facial hair? Too busy to pay a visit to parlour? Or just waiting for an even growth? Tell me about it. I have to make 2 visits to the parlour, one for the eyebrows and upper lips and the other one just for the upper lips. Yeah! I am a hairy beast 😳 😳 and a fast growing one 😛 It shows so much more when I wear a bright lipstick.

So as a solution I bought Thread It Facial Hair-Remover. I know it is not new in market but I always dreaded to use such a thing on my own. Turns out, it ain’t no rocket science. And I did not cut myself 😛

The one I ordered from amazon is by Saheli Innovations. There exists other cheaper versions of it too but I had heard about this one from a relative of mine so this seemed familiar and I trusted it a bit more than the others 😛 😀

If you are on my snapchat (msmeehnia) you must be aware that I put it to test pretty recently and the results were amazing.

Ms Meehnia

How I use 

  1. Hold Thread It from the handles, one in each hand and bend it to an inverted U shape by getting your hands to face each other.
  2. Make sure to tighten/pull loose skin to avoid any cuts.
  3. Place Thread It on clean face and rotate your fists inwards.
  4. Now rotate your fists outwards moving the tool upwards (opposite direction of hair growth).
  5. Repeat as required.

It sounds way more difficult than it actually is. If I can do it, so can you 😘❤️️

Ms Meehnia
Ms Meehnia

Packaging & Body It has a very sleek packaging. It can be easily carried in your purse. It looks like a pen in a round pen case (if that makes any sense). It is basically a spring with pink handles at both the ends (yes, I mentioned pink 😛 ) . The handles have Saheli icon and text engraved on it (which I only noticed while taking pictures for my post 😛 ) Your hair gets stuck in between the tiny coils of the spring and gets pulled out from roots as you rotate your fists.

Thread It
Thread It
Thread It
Thread It

Price – Rs. 199

For the price that Thread It Facial Hair-Remover is, it is a steal. It does hurt but is not unbearable. Cleans out the hair very effectively. But it might not catch too tiny ones. You can use it for removing facial hair like your upper lips, forehead, sideburns etc. Do not directly try it on your eyebrows, you may rip the whole thing off  (kidding) but you may pluck hair that you don’t want to. It needs a lot of precision to do eyebrows. Love the fact how sleek the packaging is. Super easy to carry it anywhere, travel friendly.


Best bet for those who keep skipping that fortnightly parlour appointment. I use it mainly for my upper lips and it is a LIFE SAVER 😀 😀 ❤

MM love – 4.5 ❤

Ms Meehnia

Please pour in some suggestions to instantly get rid of facial hair at home 🙂

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53 thoughts on “Thread It Facial Hair-Remover Review

  1. I tried this from a different brand it hurt like really bad! 😖 I guess I’m very sensitive in that area . Honestly using a thread hurts way less or you could just save up and get it lasered a few treatments and hair free forever !✨

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Getting a laser treatment would be like super luxurious and amazing. Till then thread-it it is.
      I am not sure how it would go for the forehead but my upper lips it is pretty awesome. As I can stretch or tighten the skin like I do while threading.
      Moreover, I feel that it hurts less if I do it myself rather than other people trying their skills on me.(You know like it hurts less if you had to clean your wound with Dettol but when anybody else does it, it hurts like hell.)

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve a spring hair remover like this myself and was thinking of blogging it as well 😛 Mine is from a Japanese brand which i got off amazon. I wish this would be more precise and less time consuming. It does hurt and also takes quite some time to get all the hair off! But definitely a saviour when you can’t run to the parlour every now and then!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I’ve been using these springy hair removers to remove my upper lip hair. They aren’t pain free but way better than getting them threaded. And I get it done rather frequently so the hair is less and the pain is also less.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. This looks really handy for the upper lips, thanks for the recommendation 👍.
    I do have upper lip hair n threading sometimes cuts and leaves a scar, although I have always threaded my upper lips this surely seems worth a try as it feels safer, I just hope it’s less painful.
    Bdw, rubbing an ice cube on upper lips before threading helps to numb that area thus reducing the pain, try it, it works, and I am sure it will work with this as well.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Anumeha getting my upper lip done is the biggest pain of my life, it literally makes me cry. I thought of trying this tool a lot of times but I am too scared of it.The result looks great in the pictures. May be I order it after reading your review.Nicely reviewed dear.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Amazing product! I have never heard about it before ! Since I don’t have much facial hair I would definitely recommend to others ! Nicely reviewed darling ! ☺️☺️U looked cute in all the pictures !!


  7. I have this one. You’re right, this particular brand is good. I had purchased cheaper versions earlier, and they caught rust in a month, also, the handles come off too soon. I use Braun facial epilator too for upper lip.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Braun works really well for very fine hair, but sometimes you need to go through same patch a couple of times. It comes with the facial cleansing brush which I really love. But it’s not a must have product

        Liked by 1 person

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