Get rid of pimples in a day

I know the heading is super exciting and you are very curious to know HOW. Is it even possible or is she just exaggerating?? Good thought! I am just like you and I too hate those mornings when I get up to see a bump or that zit on my face, staring right into my eyes. 😑 😑

I keep on hunting for products and DIYs for getting rid of pimples and the scars. I have also shared a DIY for this which you can find here.

I was shopping at The Body Shop the other day and during billing I found this miraculous product sample kept in a basket. (Obviously I grabbed it πŸ˜› πŸ˜› )






The Body Shop Tea Tree Oil isΒ something which worked for me and also did not work for me. But both the situations were different. And I finally figured out the scenario wherein this Tea Tree Oil does not work for me that quick.

So let’s talk about the happy flow first (where it worked for me). The Body Shop Tea Tree Oil works great on immature pimples. That is, those that are about to pop up(just a bump is visible) and those that have just popped up. I applied it post washing my face. The SA told to apply it on bare skinΒ but I was too afraid to do that for the first time. I didn’t want it to burn my skin and leave a scar (If at all that is possible, I don’t know :/ ) I read it later that it is diluted to 15% Tea Tree Oil. So post washing my face I applied the Hydrafresh Essence and on top of it I dabbed the solution on the pimple with a clean finger. You can also use a Q-tip (cotton bud) I used it twice a day and the next thing I know, by evening it subsided. Very little of it was left which can be hid with makeup, actually it wasn’t that prominent so you can just leave it to itself πŸ˜› (let the poor guy breath πŸ˜› ). And with 1 or 2 more applications it will disappear completely.

Conclusion: The Body Shop Tea Tree Oil works well on immature pimples and is not that great with mature ones. It was really tough to work with the sample packaging. I almost broke my nail while opening the cap πŸ˜₯ :'(. It smells great just like tea tree products would (some might find the fragrance medicinal but I liked it). It is liquid and transparent, would look just like water. Does not make skin dry. Gets absorbed in the skin real quick, gives a matte effect and is very light weight.

The Body Shop Tea Tree Oil is really amazing and I am definitely going to buy the full size. πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

Will do a full detailed review afterΒ using the full size. I want to see how effective it is in reducing the blemishes πŸ™‚

Have you tried this yet? What do you think about it?Β πŸ™‚

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59 thoughts on “Get rid of pimples in a day

  1. I use it the tea tree oil right on my bare skin. If I have miniscratches like they tend to be with zits, it burns a little but it doesn’t leave a scar. If you use a full size product then you’ll also find the cap more convenient to open. It makes a zit disappear with couple of days πŸ‘Œ

    Liked by 1 person

  2. “Let the poor guy breathe” OMG!!! πŸ˜†πŸ˜† you have a great sense of humour. Btw, I will look forward to buy this product once I finish up my Juicy Chemistry serum (which is going to take forever!). 😜

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Much needed post dea😊😊😊 definitely give a try…. Thank you for sharing 😍😍😍😍 u explained each and every things with perfection that I like the most 😊😊😊😊

    Liked by 1 person

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