The ULTIMATE Solution for Dry Flaky Skin | DIY

Hey Everyone!

How are things going on? It is super busy at my end. I really want to do a lot of things and my mind is occupied 24*7. Story of our lives, right? I am very sure we will accomplish great things in life but one baby step a time 😀 😀 I have planned something really exciting and will be revealing it soon, may be first on my snapchat 😉 😉

The weather here in Delhi is changing and it is getting less colder. But my skin care has not changed so drastically. I don’t know the exact reason behind my dry flaky cheeks but it just happened to me out of nowhere 😐 😐 I have a very very oily skin (I know you probably know this by heart now 😛 ) but yet the winters has taken its toll on me.

Also, the other day my kido had red cheeks and my MIL was like really upset about it. Yes! More than me 😛 (It is actually pleasing to see this affection and care) BTW red cheeks are sign of cracked skin and if it is not taken care of in time it can be really painful.

So she gave me this Ramban DIY recipe which is so so effective. I can’t stress on it more. You really need to use it to believe it. It showed results in a night itself on my kid’s cheeks and for my dry flaky skin it took just 2 nights.


  1. Lemon
  2. Glycerine
  3. Rose water

Yes! It is that simple. Squeeze lemon and take equal proportions of all the three ingredients. Mix them in a glass container and store it in a cool place. Apply it on a clean face before going to sleep.

How it helps:


Rose water has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce the redness of irritated skin.


Glycerine helps to increase and lock in moisture.


Lemon contains citric acid that work as a gentle peel to remove top layers of the dead skin cells.

These ingredients are easily available and it works so well and quick. You can use it anywhere be it hands, dry feet, your face. It will definitely help!

Ms Meehnia

Do let me know your DIY packs for flaky skin. And if you try this, do send me a thank you note because I know it will work 😉 😛

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86 thoughts on “The ULTIMATE Solution for Dry Flaky Skin | DIY

  1. I have been using it for years now. This is my go to solutions for anything skin related and I love this. It is just I mixed my ingredients in different ratio (i guess it what suits one’s skin) and in winters I likes to follow up with coconut oil.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I tried a couple of variations as in adding more of rose water and less of glycerine to none of lemon juice (it prickles my skin unless I dilute it heavily in any base ingredient) but the result wasn’t something to write home about. There’s no one size fits all formula, I think. Nevetr the less, what’s commendable is that it has wotked for a great many people as is evidenced through the comments 🙂


  3. Be careful, also, with Lemon, as it can seriously irritate sensitive skin, to the point of burning the first layer! I have very very dry skin, due to psoriasis, but I would never apply lemon juice to my face, esp overnight, bc it would def burn. But, I’ve seen other women do it, and have it leave their face red (One lady, her face was bright red, for a couple days, and it was due to the citric acid… Which is exactly that, acid!). I’d be more inclined to use a cream with Vitamin E, and herbs such as chamomile, slippery elm, etc… I use a handmade cream, that is infused with all that, and more, and it works wonder for my psoriasis, and it’s less than 5 bucks for a 2oz jar! It’s at handmadesoap4me, that’s the website, if ur interested in reading more about the herbs and essential oils used, I use the skin issues crm, and was able to stop using the stupid steroid cream the dr gave me, that was also Thinning my skin! Her stuff is amazing, and she makes soap, by hand, and everything is under 5bucks! I know, right?! Lol, u can def thank me later! Lol! Anyway just thought I’d share what took ME, yearsssss to find!

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    1. Good to know about it. I will def check it out. In this post I have also mentioned to add honey and rose water that balances the acidity of lemon. Applying lemon directly to face is a clear no no. You can always do a patch test of this DIY first. 🙂 🙂

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