Plum Green Tea Pore Cleansing Face Wash Review | Price | Ms Meehnia

Whether or not you follow a ctm routine, you definitely do clean your face (or so I’m assuming 😀 ). That may be via some diy or soap or face wash. So in short this post is going to help all you wonderful people out there. One tip that I’d start off this post with would be not to wash your face with water of extreme temperatures, that is, it should neither be too hot nor too cold. Too hot could leave your skin dry and itchy and too cold could actually dehydrate the skin. Whether or not you follow a ctm routine, you definitely do clean your face (or so I’m assuming 😀 ). That may be via some diy or soap or face wash. So in short this post is going to help all you wonderful people out there. One tip that I’d start off this post with would be not to wash your face with water of extreme temperatures, that is, it should neither be too hot nor too cold. Too hot could leave your skin dry and itchy and too cold could actually dehydrate the skin.

What they claim – Best suited for: Oily | Acne-prone | Combination skin Not recommended for: Very dry | Extremely sensitive skin

  • Gentle, soap-free, non-drying face wash
  • Natural cellulose beads deep cleanse clogged pores
  • Antioxidant-rich green tea helps combat acne
  • Glycolic acid gently exfoliates for clearer, brighter skin
  • Controls sebum levels for a fresh appearance

You will love the gently foaming, refreshing experience of this face wash, coupled with mild exfoliation and an unbeatable green tea fragrance that leaves you feeling refreshed and energized.

Reasons to ♥

  • Soap-free, SLS-free gently foaming cleansing system that does not dry skin
  • Cellulose beads that gently exfoliate
  • Antioxidant green tea extracts stop the acne (pimples) formation process in its tracks
  • Glycolic acid knocks out older skin cells that can hang in there and make your acne worse
  • Paraben-free, SLS-free, phthalate-free, as always

How I apply – Start off with clean hands. Splash some lukewarm water on your face and take a coin size amount on the fingers. Rub them together and gently massage your face in upward-outward circular motion. Rinse and pat dry (keep a separate face towel). Also don’t forget your neck 🙂 .

Color & pigmentation – Plum Green Tea Pore Cleansing Face Wash is translucent and has tiny green beads.

Texture – It has a gel like formula.

Fragrance – Mild! Nothing that would be bothersome.

Shelf Life – 24 months

Packaging & Quantity – Plum Green Tea Pore Cleansing Face Wash has a standard plum carton packaging which is green and white. It comes in a white opaque tube with green text and a click open cap. It is travel friendly. You get 75 ml of product.

Price – Rs. 345

Plum Green Tea Pore Cleansing Face Wash as the company mentions is for Oily, Acne-prone, Combination skin. This is my skin in different seasons 😛 . It foams up pretty well and you can feel the tiny beads exfoliating the skin gently. It leaves you with squeaky clean face but there is also a bit of that dry feeling, not too stretchy though. You definitely need a makeup remover before this (if you apply makeup). After a few washes the skin does feel smoother. It didn’t break me out and has a mild fragrance. It has the good ingredients like Glycolic acid and Green tea extracts but let’s be real, it is on your face for barely a minute. I recommend following it up with either a toner of the same range or something that has Glycolic acid and Green tea extracts.

I have already repurchased this 3 to 4 times so yes I definitely do recommend you give this a try.

Buy it here.

Question of the Day: What is your all time favourite face wash?

Ms Meehnia

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