Avon Nail Enamel Remover

Hey munchkins!

How are you doing today? Welcome to another post of mine. So I have been stocking up on some stuff from the sale :D. Who doesn’t do that, right? I was already using Lakme nail enamel remover and I ordered two more from different brands, one being Avon. The Lakme one dries out my nails a lot.

What they claim – It has panthenol which is is a form of vitamin B5 that helps to strengthen nails. It is acetone free. It protects and nourishes nail.

How I apply – I take a generous amount on a cotton pad/cotton ball, put it on my nail for 5 seconds and then gently rub it in circular motions. And Voila! Clean fingernails 🙂 🙂

Color – It has no color, its transparent.

Texture – It is of a very thin consistency. It is basically liquid.

Packaging & Quantity – It comes in a white translucent bottle. You can actually see how much product is left inside (which is good). It has a screw cap so it is completely travel friendly. You get 50 ml of product.

Price – Rs. 169 (discounted value – Rs.135 😀 :D)

I initially did not like the product as it dried out my nails a bit. But when I gave it another shot it amazed me that how well and neatly it takes off the nail enamel (even the darker ones) with such ease. It removes even the highly pigmented nail enamels(reds, blacks) cleanly without any traces on my cuticles, which generally happens (as if I immersed my hands in beetroot juice). I ended up with shinier nails without any hassle. Yeyeye!!

I absolutely loved it and would recommend it!

MM Love – 4

Ms Meehnia


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20 thoughts on “Avon Nail Enamel Remover

    1. Yes, as I said it did dry my nails on the first use but I always give a product more than 1 chance.(everyone deserves a second chance 😀 ). And when I tried it later it worked perfectly fine and started loving it. I am using it regularly now.

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