Simple DIY for curing pimples

Hello gorgeous!

Guess who visited me this weekend?

Nasty little pimple (wasn’t that little though) on my chin. There goes my weekend plans out of the window. I did go out despite of that hideous thing sitting right in front of my chin but was very conscious about it. I know it is normal to get pimples but yet they do bother me and I am pretty sure pimples bother a lot of people out there.

So I tried this DIY and thought if it worked to get rid of pimple then I would surely share it with you lovelies.


Turmeric (Haldi)

Take a pinch of turmeric in your palm and add a drop of water. Mix it so that you get a paste of thick consistency. Apply this on the pimple twice a day after cleansing your face.



This is not the fastest process to cure pimples I agree but it did not leave any scar/blemish whatsoever. All the ingredients are easily available in your kitchen. And my pimple was gone as if it was NEVER there.

It is a super easy blemish-less way to cure pimples. If you have more than one zit then make a paste of turmeric + honey + milk. Don’t go all solo with the turmeric. Also, please do a patch test before going all heavy with the remedy especially my sensitive skin lovelies. And stay clear from staining your clothes as it will be pretty hard to remove.

Do give it a shot and let me know how it worked for you. Or have you ever tried it before?

Note: For serious acne problem please do consult a doctor. I have been through it and nothing helped but a dermatologist.

Ms Meehnia

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61 thoughts on “Simple DIY for curing pimples

  1. Hope you are feeling better now!
    Next time if it ever happens, do try an even simpler hack- get a pod of garlic, break it at hind end, rub it very gently on and around the affected area; twice a day… you’ll have a skin like it never happended in a day!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I too have tried this trick and really helps a lot.
    If u apply turmeric mixed with honey,milk,besan on daily basis ,it helps to brighten the skin tone with reducing your pimples..try this ..

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thats so simple prescription….luckily there are no pimples on my face ☺ …but i can definately share it with my friends..keep on writing such types of articles and beauty tips which are of great use.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I wish I knew this a few days ago! I got such a terrible pimple on my birthday and it made me so sad. Ahh. I’m going to have to remember this for next time.

    Liked by 1 person

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